How do I use the self checkout?


Our self check station is located right by the Library Service Desk.

The MeeScan Station

  1. Scan the barcode on the front of your CUE ID card to enable your account.
  2. Tap the + button.
  3. Scan the library barcode of your first item - located on the cover of the book.
  4. Tap the Finish button when you are done scanning all of your items.

A receipt will be automatically emailed to your Concordia email account.

Download the MeeScan App

In addition to using our self checkout station, you can also checkout library materials with your personal smartphone or tablet.

  1. Visit your preferred app store and search for MeeScan. Download the free app.
    • If you are in the library, scan the QR code located on the main screen of the station.
  2. Allow MeeScan to access your camera, to send you notifications, and use your location.
  3. Open the MeeScan app on your personal device.
  4. Tap the Start button on the welcome screen.
  5. Scan or type in your library barcode to enable your account.
    • To scan your library barcode, tap the camera icon.
  6. Tap the + button.
  7. Scan the library barcode on your item(s).
  8. Click the Finish button when you are done scanning all your items.

A receipt will be automatically emailed to your Concordia email account.


  • Last Updated Sep 17, 2024
  • Views 28
  • Answered By Jenn

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